Hugh is a former architect turned developer. He is passionate about how great design and the public realm can contribute meaningfully to the neighborhood, the community and the city. He is an avid cyclist, runner, bird watcher and traveller.
“My favourite thing to do in Toronto is to explore the amazing ravine system. We are so lucky to have this oasis stitched into the urban fabric!”
Mark is an urban planner and passionate urbanist who loves the positive social impact that development can have on a neighbourhood while also helping to address the climate crisis facing our planet. He has experience master planning new cities in the Middle East and Africa, as well as real estate development of mixed-use and multi-family projects in the GTA and Western Canada. In his spare time, he loves exploring different neighbourhoods and spending time around the dinner table with his friends and family.
“My favourite neighbourhood is Kensington Market for its vibrant energy, incredible food options and fantastic people-watching.”
Isaiah is passionate about developing vibrant communities where culture can thrive. An around-the-clock design fanatic, you can find him delving into anything from architecture, to furniture, to fashion. In his free time, you can find him exploring local neighbourhoods by bike or travelling to cities around the world for inspiration and fresh perspectives.
“The people, energy and authenticity of Little Portugal make it my favourite neighbourhood in the City.”
Georgia has a great sense for what makes a neighbourhood. Everything from connectivity to character catch her attention and spark ideas for TAS projects.
“My favourite neighbourhood in Toronto is the Annex because it has a bit of everything – eclectic yet affluent, progressive yet historical. To me, it’s the heart of the city.”