10 North Queen Street

This large industrial warehouse is strategically positioned at the very centre of an emerging cluster of commercial activity currently burgeoning in Etobicoke Lakeshore, just south of the Kipling GO and TTC stations. 

We see tremendous opportunity to contribute to the evolution of this area through the introduction of a lively hub that connects local people and ideas. We plan to demise the existing building into smaller units, and to mix light industrial uses with office, production and maker spaces. And there’s great outdoor space that partnering groups could activate for community uses and events.  

If you have a suggestion, great partnership idea, question or just want to get involved – we want to hear from you!

This project is part of TAS’s Community Hub Strategy, which sees us lead the adaptive re-use, lease-up and operations of underutilized warehouse spaces across the GTHA.   

We are transforming these existing assets into dynamic hubs that include a variety of commercial uses. They are designed to nurture a vibrant mix of tenants from across different sectors, including small businesses and social enterprises. 

We are proud to be taking a sustainability-first approach. Retrofitting is inherently more green than demolishing and building new. We are further reducing the carbon footprint of these existing buildings by improving the energy efficiency.

Location: Etobicoke Lakeshore, Toronto, Canada
Status: Design
Partner: LaSalle Canada Property Fund
Key Stats: TBD during design phase

Commercial spaces are available at this property on a short and long-term basis while we work through the design and approval phases. 

Interested in leasing a space?

Get in touch with our VP Asset Management, Ashley Burke: ashley.burke@tasimpact.ca, 416-510-8181 ext. 277.

142 Vine Avenue

This project sits on a charming residential street and the majority of it is currently leased to creative industry tenants.  

We plan to deliver a vibrant, arts and technology hub that will honour and expand the role this building has been playing in the local neighbourhood for decades.

This project is part of TAS’s Community Hub Strategy, which sees us lead the adaptive re-use, lease-up and operations of underutilized warehouse spaces across the GTHA.   

We are transforming these existing assets into dynamic hubs that include a variety of commercial uses. They are designed to nurture a vibrant mix of tenants from across different sectors, including small businesses and social enterprises. 

We are proud to be taking a sustainability-first approach. Retrofitting is inherently more green than demolishing and building new. We are further reducing the carbon footprint of these existing buildings by improving the energy efficiency.

Location: The Junction, Toronto, Canada
Status: Design
Partner: LaSalle Canada Property Fund
Key Stats: TBD during design phase

Commercial spaces are available at this property on a short and long-term basis while we work through the design and approval phases. 

Interested in leasing a space?

Get in touch with our VP Asset Management, Ashley Burke: ashley.burke@tasimpact.ca, 416-510-8181 ext. 277.

2 Tecumseth Street

Located in the heart of Toronto’s arts and entertainment corridor, 2 Tecumseth is an incredible urban regeneration project that attempts to embrace the complexities and contradictions that make neighbourhoods great.  

The site formerly housed a decommissioned abattoir, and is directly adjacent to the historic Wellington Destructor, a century-old garbage incinerator. Its topography is defined by the now-buried Garrison Creek.

Inspired by this rich context, the architecture and landscape design will embrace Toronto’s ecological, urban and industrial histories while adding a contemporary layer that will give the site new meaning and purpose. The project will transform the former abattoir complex into a sustainable and vibrant new community and destination in Toronto’s downtown west. 

Its vision and design were informed by the findings of a comprehensive multi-year community engagement process and an unwavering commitment to drive social and environmental impact through mixed-use real estate development. 

We plan to mix and optimize uses to create a wonderfully real place where people from many walks of life can live, work and play – together. The lively and iconic destination will be a place where residents and visitors of all ages can co-create a new kind of urban experience. 

Our impact objectives are focused on: prioritizing nature and environmental sustainability and nurturing a diverse and inclusive community. 

Location: South Niagara, Toronto, Canada 
Status: Development 
Phase 1 Partner: Woodbourne Capital
Executive Architect: Adamson Associates 
Design Architect: Giannone Petricone Associates
Heritage Architect: ERA 
Landscape Architect: Public Work 
Interior Design: Mason Studio & Figure3
District Energy System: Enwave
Retail Consultant: Beauleigh

  • Six buildings, including three towers (31-, 39-, and 11-storeys), one mid-rise (7-storeys) and two existing repurposed commercial buildings on Niagara Street
  • Approximately 1,000,000 square feet of mixed-use development including condominiums, rental apartments, affordable housing, office, retail and community spaces.
  • 1200 new homes, with a mix of unit types from 1-bedroom to 3-bedrooms, with the first phase being entirely purpose-built rental.
  • 28 affordable homes (at 80% Average Market Rate) within the 3 residential buildings
  • Nearly 3.5 acres of public realm improvements and new parks
  • A multi-use trail along the site’s southern boundary connected to the Tecumseth/Palmerston bike-lane and future West Toronto Rail Path extension
  • Approximately 1200 bike parking spaces and facilities  

  • Demolition of the 2 Tecumseth and 125 Niagara sites are now complete.

Check back here for more updates and information about construction activity, or better yet, join our mailing list by emailing: info@2tecumseth.ca

For urgent safety/on-site concerns, please contact (416) 510-8181 ext. 777.

For other development related questions, please contact info@2tecumseth.ca and a member of our team will get in touch. 

You can learn more about our plans through the City of Toronto’s Development Applications Portal (search by address: 2 Tecumseth Street) or by visiting our microsite theyardsto.ca.

Have a question, great partnership idea or just want to stay informed? Get in touch with us any time, we look forward to connecting: info@2tecumseth.ca.

3730 Kingston Road

3730 Kingston Road is located at the edge of the Scarborough Village neighbourhood. It’s a prominent corner and home to some well-loved local businesses that serve the community. The neighbourhood is a popular destination for new immigrants and home to many different cultural groups, as well as first-time buyers, young professionals, families, and seniors.

Over time, the existing 2-storey plaza has become rundown and underutilized. But when TAS purchased the site from the previous owner in 2022, we saw its potential. It’s near both the Guildwood GO and Eglinton GO stations, which will allow for easy commutes to the downtown core and other areas in the GTA. There’s also a proposed Eglinton East LRT stop directly beside the site as well as easy access to Scarborough Bluffs and Toronto’s east-end waterfront parks.

The project is ideally positioned at a gateway corner of Scarborough Village, creating a unique placemaking opportunity and offering the potential to act as a local landmark to the neighbourhood.

Our proposal is for a mixed-use building containing rental units including 10% affordable housing and ground floor community-serving commercial uses. The design prioritizes the environment by using sustainable building practices and technologies. It also includes generous amenity space for residents by way of a central courtyard.

It will serve the community by creating a more vibrant public realm along Kingston Road, more attractive, modern retail spaces and a range of new housing options for individuals and families in Scarborough.

3730 Kingston Road is emblematic of TAS’s approach to real estate development. Using impact to unlock the value of underutilized land, this site presents an opportunity to drive positive social, environmental and economic impact in Scarborough Village.

Location: 3718 & 3730 Kingston Road, Scarborough, Canada
Status: Rezoning
Anticipated Construction Start: 2025
Architect & Planner: SvN Architects + Planners

  • 22-storey mixed-use development
  • 395 new residential units, containing a mix of townhomes, studio, 1- 2- and 3-bedroom units
  • 222 parking spaces in 2 underground parking levels and at grade
  • 281 long-term and 38 short-term bicycle parking spaces

You can visit City of Toronto Development Application Portal (search by address, 3718 & 3730 Kingston Road, Toronto) 

Summer 2022          TAS acquired site

April 2023                 Rezoning application

May 2023                  Public meeting

December 2023         Rezoning & site plan application

Fall 2025                    Estimated construction start*

*All future dates based on current estimates, timelines may change

At TAS, we engage communities early to ensure our projects reflect local history, needs and identity. Our goal is to build good working relationships with the community and ensure the redevelopment is respectful and responsive to the community.  At 3730 Kingston Road, our engagement process included a public survey, a series of stakeholder Interviews and speaking to our direct neighbours. We identified the following opportunities through our initial community engagement:  

  • Celebrate the rich cultural diversity of the neighbourhood
  • Use placemaking and placenaming to reflect local history and identity.
  • Target housing to address local needs  
  • Develop the ground floor to serve the community  
  • Help to address food security through meanwhile uses
  • Support a strong sense of community through design and programming
  • Use design and public art to beautify the public realm  
  • Work with the community to address local concerns

The engagement process is on-going. We continue to connect with our neighbours and local stakeholders to explore opportunities for delivering community benefits with this project. Stay tuned for news about some exciting temporary site activations in summer 2023.

Get in touch

If you have a suggestion, great partnership idea or question – we want to hear from you. Please get in touch with us any time: info@3730kingstonrd.ca.

38 Walmer Road

“In its beginnings, Walmer was characterized by openness—to different types of people, and to different ideas and projects.” – A Century for the City, Walmer Road Baptist Church 1889-1989 by Donald Goertz

This site is located in the heart the Annex, one of Toronto’s most dynamic and storied neighbourhoods. It’s situated on traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. 

The existing church has long been a place of community and social innovation. It’s where a food bank, theatre initiative, and Canada’s first co-located daycare all thrived and a diversity of people came together for over a century.

TAS and our partners, the Walmer Road Baptist Church have been working together to create a bold new vision for this site. Our proposal includes: 

  • Adaptive reuse of the existing sanctuary, to include a new space for the Walmer Road Baptist Church and a new commercial community hub.  
  • 162 new condominiums in a 20-story building. 
  • A publicly accessible courtyard for residents and members of the local neighbourhood.  

The commercial community hub will be a welcoming, inclusive place that restores the sanctuary’s historical role as a place for community, connection and social innovation.  

We are excited to evolve this place at the corner of Lowther and Walmer in the Annex with and for the community and see this project as a tremendous example of our commitment to building for impact. 

Public Participation

TAS takes a ‘listen first” approach to community engagement. We started engaging with the local community in 2020, with the commitment to learn and incorporate a diversity of perspectives into the design and programming of the site.  

Our broad engagement process included a series of interviews, workshops, site tours, a survey and an art installation. We heard from a wide variety of groups and individuals about their vision for 38 Walmer Road. Some of the key themes were:  

  • Ensure that the sanctuary program is inclusive and equitable 
  • Prioritize the sanctuary’s role as a community space, and particularly as a multi-purpose meeting space 
  • Acknowledge and share diverse histories on the site 
  • Prioritize indigenous truth and reconciliation by partnering with local indigenous community members 
  • Design to a higher standard for accessibility outdoor spaces that might include gardens, seating and landscaping. 

The community input informed the vision for the redevelopment, particularly the plans for sanctuary and courtyard and will continue to inform our work as we develop more detailed plans for the commercial community hub.  

We’re tremendously grateful to all who participated in the process and shared their ideas about the future of 38 Walmer Road. 

Read more about this engagement here.

If you have a suggestion, great partnership idea, question or just want to get involved – we want to hear from you. Please get in touch with us any time:  info@38walmer.ca

Location: The Annex, Toronto, Canada 
Status: Rezoning 
Architect: Suulin Architects 
Executive Architect: ZAS
Heritage Architect: ERA
Planning: Bousfields 
Landscape Architect: gh3* 
Renderings: nineplusten 

  • 200,960 square feet gross floor area 
  • 162 new homes, including a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms  
  • Unique design that includes a 20-storey tower, a sanctuary and a courtyard  
  • 5,800 square feet of privately owned public space 
  • 162 bike parking spots 

We’re working on some exciting plans for 38 Walmer Road this spring and summer. Stay tuned!

385 The West Mall

This project presents an opportunity to re-imagine how purpose-built rental, for-sale condominiums, and community-focused commercial space can all be integrated on one large suburban site. Our local research and engagement process revealed a need for increased health and social services as well as senior’s housing in this part of Etobicoke, which has been expanding rapidly over the past decade. We believe that thoughtfully curated not-for-profit and commercial partnerships will help address these gaps and ensure the project functions as a community hub that serves its local neighbourhood.

A wellness focus has also inspired the project design, which emphasizes social connections and the great outdoors through: generous public realm improvements featuring an extensively landscaped raised courtyard; a public conservatory; and expansive rooftop amenities.

Location: Etobicoke West Mall, Toronto, Canada
Status: Site Plan Application
Architect: SvN Architects and Planners

  • 641 units over 28 storeys
  • 542,000 square feet
  • Approximately 92% residential and 8% community and commercial space

Interested in leasing a space?

TAS has made 40 commercial spaces available at this property on a short-term basis while we work through the municipal approval process.

Interested in leasing a space? Get in touch with our Director of Property Management Richard Kwon: richard.kwon@tasimpact.ca, 416-407-8043.

Have a question or a great idea to share? Get in touch with us any time at info@the385Westmall.com.

55 Milne Avenue

This 133,000 sf former manufacturing facility is nestled inside the residential community of Oakridge. Currently quiet and vacant… the opportunity to transform it into something extraordinary and impactful is GREAT. 

We are exploring partnership ideas with local organizations and considering how we can drive environmental impact through the renovation process and operations.  

This project is part of TAS’s Community Hub Strategy, which sees us lead the adaptive re-use, lease-up and operations of underutilized warehouse spaces across the GTHA.   

We are transforming these existing assets into dynamic hubs that include a variety of commercial uses. They are designed to nurture a vibrant mix of tenants from across different sectors, including small businesses and social enterprises. 

We are proud to be taking a sustainability-first approach. Retrofitting is inherently more green than demolishing and building new. We are further reducing the carbon footprint of these existing buildings by improving the energy efficiency.

Location: Oakridge, Scarborough, Canada
Status: Design
Partner: LaSalle Canada Property Fund
Key Stats: TBD during design phase

Commercial spaces are available at this property on a short and long-term basis while we work through the design and approval phases. 

Interested in leasing a space? 

Get in touch with our VP Asset Management, Ashley Burke: ashley.burke@tasimpact.ca, 416-510-8181 ext. 277.

3803 Dundas Street West

We are targeting a thoughtful mix of residential and ground floor commercial tenants to attract and service those living within the building, across the neighbourhood and beyond. 

Our design was directly inspired by the project’s location on the edge of the Humber River Valley Ravine, and is characterized by unique landscaping, balconies that blur the lines between indoor and outdoor space, and generous public realm improvements.

Location: Lampton, Toronto, Canada 
Status: Design

7 Labatt Ave & 77 River St

This uniquely positioned project sits on the edge of Regent Park, between the bustle of downtown and the natural refuge in the Don Valley.

The surrounding neighborhood has evolved in recent years thanks to developments like River City, the Canary District, and the revitalization of Regent Park. New public spaces, a state-of-the-art aquatic center, a community centre, and cultural and learning centers, have made the area more liveable.

With excellent transit connectivity, including four upcoming Ontario Line subway stations within a 15-minute walk, future residents will have easy access to downtown and beyond. Bike lanes along River, Shuter, and Dundas streets offer easy connections to the downtown core and nearby Don River Valley trails.

At the heart of this project is our partnership with The Salvation Army, with whom we’re building a new 12,500 square foot branch. In addition, a new public space at River and Labatt, along with ground-level retail space, will create a lively and vibrant streetscape.

This development takes advantage of the areas transit connectivity, walkability and access to community space to provide much needed housing in Toronto.

Thoughtfully designed, this development embraces the area’s unique character while supporting its continued growth.

  • 48- & 44-storeys
  • 344 vehicular parking spaces
  • 1,240 bicycle parking spaces
  • 1,119 new homes, including a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms  
  • 2500 sq ft Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Space (POPS)
  • 4500 sq ft retail space
  • 12,500 sq ft Salvation Army branch

You can learn more about our plans through the City of Toronto’s Development Applications Portal (search by address: 77 River Street and 7 Labatt Avenue).

Have a question, great partnership idea or just want to stay informed? Get in touch with us any time, we look forward to connecting: info@77river.ca

772 Warden Avenue

We are super excited about this project for a few reasons. 

First off, its location as part of the Golden Mile, just a 10-minute walk from the future Eglinton LRT. We’re proud to take part in the innovative neighborhood and social capital-building initiatives that are being led in this area by a visionary network of cross-sectoral partners. 

Second, the opportunity to rethink the vision for this former industrial building, which has housed a wide variety of tenants and uses over time. We are exploring a few different thematic ideas which will ultimately inform our approach to design and tenanting. From a food-focus to a not-for-profit service hub, there are many possibilities and we look forward to working with local partners to understand what concept could best serve community needs – for today and tomorrow.

This project is part of TAS’s Community Hub Strategy, which sees us lead the adaptive re-use, lease-up and operations of underutilized warehouse spaces across the GTHA.   

We are transforming these existing assets into dynamic hubs that include a variety of commercial uses. They are designed to nurture a vibrant mix of tenants from across different sectors, including small businesses and social enterprises. 

We are proud to be taking a sustainability-first approach. Retrofitting is inherently more green than demolishing and building new. We are further reducing the carbon footprint of these existing buildings by improving the energy efficiency.

Location: Golden Mile, Scarborough, Canada
Status: Design
Partner: LaSalle Canada Property Fund
Key Stats: TBD during design phase

Commercial spaces are available at this property on a short and long-term basis while we work through the design and approval phases. 

Interested in leasing a space? 

Get in touch with our VP Asset Management, Ashley Burke: ashley.burke@tasimpact.ca, 416-510-8181 ext. 277.